Naval Cases

Scenario: The Four-Dimension Battlefield

Meet the rising demand for realistic naval scenarios

The threats challenging today’s navies are changing; from asymmetric warfare and disaster relief to homeland defence and preparation for a highly intensive symmetric conflict against a technologically equal adversary.

These ever-changing threats impose new requirements and demands on navies, driving demand for more complex and realistic test and evaluation (T&E), training and exercise scenarios. Meeting these demands can often be problematic, due to a lack of live platforms to populate the red side.

FMV T&E’s Naval Test Ranges have been working hard to develop a solution to meet the demand for advanced naval T&E, training and exercise opportunities, and at the same time release live naval assets to frontline operations.

Welcome to the Four-Dimension Battlefield.

Ready to engage in four dimensions?

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Illustration showing a battlefield scenario in four dimensions

Watch an animation of the scenario below:

The symmetric Four-Dimension Battlefield

The aim of The Four-Dimension Battlefield – located at our Härnösand Naval Range – is to create a testing, training and exercise environment that closely resembles a symmetric battlefield, allowing you and your units to perform advanced, top-level capability and interoperability T&E or realistic training and exercises.

In this unique environment, you can verify the functionality and usability of a combat management system with associated sensors and weapons under real-world conditions such as uncooperative threats and targets. The Four-Dimension Battlefield also offers great potential for the realistic training and exercising of naval units prior to frontline operations, as well as enabling advanced and dynamic scenarios with a surprise factor, to really push the limits of your crews and vessels.

At the Four-Dimension Battlefield, we have replaced the need to populate the red side with live assets by using unmanned remotely controlled drones in the air and on or below the surface, saving the highly-in-demand live assets to be used for frontline operations.

Read about our 4D Battlefield for submarines and sub-surface weapon systems


Launch of orange coloured target drone BQM167i
Launch of target drone BQM167i at Härnösand Naval Range

Real-world training and exercises

From a training and exercise perspective, you’re able to put your ship (or fleet) through its paces and engage as many different on-board sensor and weapon systems as possible. That means you can test and train your commanders and their crew to the highest level, in realistic and demanding scenarios with threats in the air, on and below the water’s surface, and along the coastline.

Our highly experienced personnel are here to help you plan and execute the most complex T&E, training and exercise events.

Explore our full range of naval capabilities


Learn more about what's possible at our FMV Naval Test Ranges


Torpedo 47 firing from corvette of Visby class
Torpedo 47 firing from corvette of Visby class

Test systems and services available

  • Support for live firing with ship-based weapon systems such as close-in weapon systems (CWIS), naval guns, surface-to-air missiles, surface-to-surface missiles, torpedoes and depth charges.
  • Live GPS jamming
  • Advanced T&E, training and exercise under real-world conditions
  • Dynamic scenarios with surprise factors
  • Target drones - in the air, on the surface and below the water