
Airborne Systems & Platforms

Meet your future operational requirements

No matter what kind of airborne system or airborne platform you’ve developed or modified, FMV Test and Evaluation (T&E) has the technical competence and airbase and test range infrastructure to help you thrive in an operational environment.

Make full use of FMV T&E’s deep knowledge and experience as well as a huge, restricted and unpopulated air space, and let us support you in verifying and validating your platforms, including:

  • Fixed wing aircraft
  • Rotary wing aircraft
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
  • Unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV)
  • Remotely piloted vehicle (RPV)

Together, we’ll ensure that your airborne systems and platforms are ready to meet the operational requirements of their future missions.


Contact us today and prepare for take-off


Aerial photo of Point Tango at Vidsel Test Range in wintertime
Vidsel Test Range, Point Tango

Large and unpopulated test ranges

With space in abundance, you have the freedom to execute a wide range of test and evaluation scenarios. At Vidsel Test Range in the north of Sweden, for example, you can conduct realistic test scenarios in Europe's largest overland test area.

Choose from a variety of standard and customised, static and remotely controlled mobile ground and aerial targets to create the scenarios you need to test and evaluate your systems.

At FMV T&E, we have the competence and knowledge to support your flight trials, as well as the facilities and technical infrastructure to meet your airborne system and platform testing needs.


Discover what’s possible at our one-of-a-kind FMV Vidsel Test Range

Find out all about our FMV Flight Test Centre


A remotely controlled vehicle
Moving target, remotely controlled vehicle
A tracked vehicle
Moving target, tracked vehicle
A vehicle carrying a large shield on the side to indicate IR signature
Moving target with IR signature
Colourful IR signature of a tracked vehicle
IR signature of moving target
Close-up picture of static standard target
Static standard target

Verification and validation plans made easy

Developing, preparing and executing complex test and evaluation scenarios are all parts of our day-to-day work. With more than 60 years of experience in the verification and validation of military systems, you can rely on our FMV T&E staff to understand and execute the testing of your systems and platforms.

From analysing operational and technical requirements or writing verification and validation plans to leading complete test programs – including flight trials at our test ranges – you’ll get professional support from FMV’s specialists every step of the way.


Learn how we helped validate the self-protection systems in two civilian airliners

UCAV Neuron on the ground at Vidsel Air base
Neuron testing at Vidsel Test Range
UAV Barracuda on the ground at Vidsel Air base
Barracuda UAV testing at Vidsel Test Range

Unmanned flight trials

Make the most of our huge airspace to demonstrate that your unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) is mission ready. From the maiden flight of an unproven system to advanced long-range missions, we are more than capable in supporting your needs.

Before a flight trial, we take care of the administrative parts of the project, such as flight and frequency permits. During the mission, we support you with all the systems needed, including flight termination systems (FTS), transponders, tracking of your aircraft and surveying of the airspace to ensure all is clear for take-off.


Explore our military flight training capabilities

Discover our airborne weapon system and electronic warfare T&E capabilities