

Cookies on the website

Cookies are small text files that testandevaluation.fmv.se requests to save on the visitor's computer. Cookies are used to give a visitor access to various functions on the website. The information in the cookies can also be used to follow the visitor’s browsing activity on the website. It is, however, not possible to identify who the visitor is by using the information contained in cookies collected on testandevaluation.fmv.se.

A visitor always has the option of declining cookies by adjusting the settings in their browser. If the visitor turns off cookies in their browser, no cookies are saved from testandevaluation.fmv.se. Cookies that have been saved previously can be deleted by the visitor.

Some cookies on testandevaluation.fmv.se are necessary for the website to function and they are temporarily saved on the visitor's computer. They disappear when the visitor closes their browser. If the visitor chooses not to allow the use of cookies on testandevaluation.fmv.se, some services and functions on the website will not work.

What does the law say about cookies?

According to the Electronic Communications Act, all websites that use cookies must ensure that visitors have access to information that declares the website’s use of cookies and the purpose of their use.

More information about cookies and what applies to their use can be found on the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Authority website.

Below is a description of cookies on testandevaluation.fmv.se, the purpose of the cookies, how they are used, and the impacts of declining their use.


Local cookies

Name: ASP.NET_Sessionid

Purpose: These cookies have a temporary identity code set by the web application server. It is used to keep track of website visits that are associated with a particular visitor's browser and client. The cookie is required for the website to function and is created automatically. The information in the cookie does not contain any personal data. The cookie expires when the session ends.

Impact if the use of this cookie is declined: The cookie is essential for the website's functionality. The visitor will not be able to use the website fully without the cookie.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Valid: During the session

Does the visitor map: No

Contains personal data: No


Temporary cookie

Name: FMVse_CookiesAccepted

Purpose: A temporary cookie is activated if the visitor clicks on the “I understand” button that appears in the cookie information message at the top of the website.

Impact if the use of this cookie is declined: Without this cookie, a message with information about cookies will be shown to the visitor at the top of every website page.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifespan: 150 days

Charts the visitor: Yes

Contains personal data: No

Type of cookie: Permanent


Name: __cfduid

Purpose: The cookie is set by CloudFare and used for security settings. No personal information is saved. The cookie expires one year from the time it was set or last updated.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifespan: One year

Contains personal data: No


Name: ai_user

Purpose: This cookie is used for statistics to measure visits to the page and does not save any personal information.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifespan: One year

Contains personal data: No


Name: ai_session

Purpose: This cookie is used for statistics and development and does not save any personal information.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifespan: One year

Contains personal data: No


Name: ARRAffinity

Purpose: This cookie is required for Windows Azure Cloud Platform.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifetime: During the session

Contains personal data: No


Name: ARRAffinitySameSite

Purpose: This cookie is required for Windows Azure Cloud Platform.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifetime: During the session

Contains personal data: No


Statistics cookies

T&E/FMV uses the statistical tool Vizzit.

Purpose: Statistics cookies are necessary to collect statistics about the user. The information collected cannot be linked to individuals. Vizzit collects the IP address and Vizzit's cookie (containing only a random character string) which is used to determine whether the browser has visited the website before, while also collecting statistics about how visitors navigate the web.

Domain: testandevaluation.fmv.se

Lifespan: One year

Contains personal data: No


Third Party Requests

On testandevaluation.fmv.se, information and functionality are retrieved from external websites by linking certain script files.


Using the javascript library JQuery

URL: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery

This is a standard JavaScript library used to make website pages more dynamic.

Processing of personal data, GDPR

Personal data is any kind of information that can be used to identify a living natural person. Examples of personal data are name, social security number, a photograph, postal address and e-mail address. The processing of personal data essentially includes everything that can be done with the data. For example, collecting, registering, compiling, storing or disclosing the data.

FMV is the personal data controller for the processing of personal data on this website, as well as the processing of personal data in our operations in general.


The Data Protection Regulation

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes strict rules on how personal data may be processed. As a personal data controller, FMV is responsible for ensuring that your and others' personal data is always protected and processed in accordance with legislation, as well as FMV's own internal guidelines and routines. FMV also has a data protection officer who ensures that FMV complies with the necessary regulations.


FMV's processing of personal data

The legal basis for processing personal data appears in Article 6 of the Data Protection Regulation. The most common legal basis for FMV's processing of personal data is that the processing is necessary to:

  • Fulfil an agreement to which the data subject is a party, or to take measures at the request of the data subject before entering into such an agreement (Article 6.1 b).
  • Fulfil a legal obligation that FMV has (Article 6.1 c).
  • Perform a task of public interest or as part of FMV's exercise of authority (Article 6.1 e).

With the support of these legal grounds, FMV has, among other things, the right to process the personal data that is necessary to fulfil a requirement in law or regulation, or to carry out the authority tasks that the Riksdag and government have authorized.

FMV is a state authority. Therefore, messages sent to FMV are, as a general rule, considered public documents that are kept in a diary, registered and, if the information is not covered by confidentiality, disclosed upon request.

As a government authority, FMV must comply with archive legislation regarding the preservation and thinning of public documents. Personal data included in public documents will thus be handled accordingly.

FMV is a contracting authority. Personal data is processed to administer customer and supplier relationships and can be provided and collected before, and in connection with, entering into agreements and leaving assignments, or in connection with a customer or supplier relationship.


FMV also processes personal data when someone, for example:

  • Contacts FMV/T&E to get information or requests public documents.
  • Registers for training courses or events.
  • Requests access to one of FMV's protected objects.
  • Uses a subscription service.
  • Contacts FMV/T&E for other reasons.


In some cases, FMV uses external IT providers and other personal data assistants. Suppliers and others who handle personal data on FMV's behalf must always sign a personal data processor agreement that regulates how the data may be processed by the processor.

In some cases, there is an obligation for FMV to provide personal data to other authorities. This includes, among other instances, providing personal data to the Security Police during recruitment, to a board or court in case of appeals.


Your rights

Right to information

You have the right to know, on an annual basis and at no cost, which personal data FMV processes about you. Requests to obtain this information can be sent to FMV.

Correction and deletion

You can request that personal data be corrected or deleted if it is incorrect or incomplete. In some cases, it is also possible to object to the processing of personal data or request that the processing be restricted. However, FMV's possibilities to delete data are limited. This is because FMV is obliged to preserve information in public documents according to the Archives Act (1990:782).

Withdrawal of consent

If the processing is based on consent, the person who gave consent has the right to withdraw it at any time. A revocation does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its revocation.


Contact details

If you have questions regarding our processing of personal data, you can contact:



115 88 Stockholm

Telephone: +46-8-782 40 00

E-mail: registrator@fmv.se




FMV's Data Protection Officer: dataskyddsombud@fmv.se


If you have comments on FMV's handling of your personal data, please contact the Swedish Data Protection Agency:

Telephone: +46-8-657 61 00

E-mail: imy@imy.se